Pension calculator for tied private pension provision under pillar 3a

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There are many benefits to the 3rd pillar. There are, however, several matters to consider when looking for the right provider and solution. When it comes to the 3rd pillar, a distinction is also generally made between the tied pension (pillar 3a) and the flexible pension (pillar 3b). For the former pension model, we have designed our pillar 3a calculator which we would be happy to use with you in a personal consultation. Discussions and calculators help you discover the advantages of a tied pension provision and identify attractive cost-saving opportunities.

Pillar 3a calculator

Pillar 3a – the tied private pension

Payments into the tied 3a pension can be deducted from taxable income – up to the maximum amounts set by the government (2021: CHF 6,883 or 34,416 with or without a connection to a pension fund respectively). The pillar 3a can therefore be a very interesting tool for long-term pensions on occasion. With a few exceptions regulated by law (e.g. for buying a house or if someone moves abroad), the capital is however tied until five years before reaching retirement age and cannot be used beforehand for a trip around the world or to buy a new car, etc. Banks and insurance companies both offer 3a pension products.

You determine when and how much you pay into your pillar 3a (retirement savings account or securities). You can pay into the pillar 3a for up to five years after reaching retirement age. The maximum tax-exempt amount that can be paid into the pillar 3a is adjusted on an annual basis. Payments into the pillar 3a reduce taxable income. Doing this allows you to save on taxes with the pillar 3a .

Calculate your private pension with the pillar 3a calculator

Pillar 3a interest rates vary from provider to provider. Those who are well-informed and conduct a comparison of the different pillar 3a interest rates can benefit from significantly higher pillar 3a pension payments when they reach retirement age.

Our pillar 3a calculator can also give you an initial overview of your personal pension situation in just a few steps. As well as building assets in pillar 3a (including interest/return prospects), you can calculate the tax saving with a pillar 3a pension solution quickly and easily, for example. The pillar 3a calculator can even work out any possible tax saving from stacked capital withdrawal in several instalments without any problems.

For a detailed overview and access to our pillar 3a calculator, MoneyPark offers you competent and independent advice as well as a pillar 3a comparison for choosing saving products in pillar 3a. We will discuss with you which pillar 3a pension makes sense for your situation and help you make the right decision.

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The displayed interest rates are the best rates currently available. Your personal interest rates may vary depending on LTV, affordability, mortgage amount and the location of the property.

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