Mortgage calculator

With the mortgage calculator you can quickly and easily calculate your mortgage.

Loan-to-value ratio
The loan-to-value ratio shows the ratio of the mortgage amount to the property value. Almost all providers only accept a loan-to-value ratio of up to 90%.
The value of the property. This value may be different from the purchase price.
The amount of available own funds. Own funds reduce the loan-to-value ratio. Own funds include cash, free assets, life insurance policies as well as assets from the second and third pillar.

More information on property value and own funds

Property value means the purchase price of the property excluding taxes and fees. Own funds include savings, securities and heritages you want to use for the financing of your mortgage. Your own funds should be at least equal to 20% of the property value. Up to 50% of your own funds can be taken from your pension fund assets.

Amount of mortgage


Amount of mortgage


Own funds

Minimum own funds

Your own funds should be at least equal to 20% of the property value.
Please enter your gross annual income.
An imputed interest rate of 5% is assumed for the calculation of the affordability. This interest rate is deliberately set high to ensure that the mortgage remains affordable even if interest rates rise.
Determines the duration of the amortization.
Your mortgage is
of your income will be used to cover your mortgage payments.
Affordability limit
Most providers accept an affordability of up to 33%. The affordability indicates what percentage of your gross income you have to pay for the mortgage-related costs. A lower affordability means more security for the bank and is expressed in better interest rates.

Your affordability

Total monthly payments
Monthly interest payments
For this calculation we use an imputed interest rate of 5% since this is in line with the long-term average. You can find the historic mortgage rates in our rate tool.
Maintenance and additional costs
In our calculation we assume maintenance and additional costs in the amount of 1% of the property value per year. These costs may arise from possible renovations and repairs.
Amortization costs
If the amount of the mortgage is higher than 2/3rd of the property value (second mortgage), we amortize the exceeding amount over 15 years.
Calculate your savings
Interest rate with partner mortgage
The most favorable partner rate for the selected product
Guideline rate
This is the average rate offered from other providers
Costs with guideline mortgage
These are your annual mortgage costs with a standard mortgage
Costs with partner mortgage
Annual mortgage costs with the most attractive partner rate

Max. annual savings


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